
General information on using the Digital East Asia Collections

Language settings

The web site is available in German, English and Chinese. You can switch between the languages by clicking the flag symbol located in the navigation bar in the upper right corner.

Changing the font size

You can adjust the font size on the website to “Normal” (100%) or “Enlarged” (200%) via the link "A A" in the top-right corner. Please note that the zoom levels are in relation to the value "Normal" (100%). Should the zoom in your browser be set to a different value, the font size could appear disproportionately large or small. In this case, please check the zoom settings in your browser, and if necessary, set them back to 100% (Ctrl + 0). Now try to change the font size once more, again via the link "A A".

Zoom objects

Many of the objects coming in special formats (leporelli and scrolls) do have an additional image 0 as first image of the digitized object. As this image shows the object as a whole, it is extremely diminished. You can zoom in deeply and watch all details, but downloading this image is not possible.

Search possibilities

This site offers you two ways to access the collections: under the tab “Discover” you can browse the collections systematically, under the tab “Search” you can submit a free search.


Date of publication

In this menu item all titles are ordered by the date of publication.

Default value is the first century for which titles are available. You can change the choice by selecting another century.

If you then click on one of the years in the line below, all titles of this year are shown.

The word cloud on the right consists of different years of publication. After choosing one of the entries all results from this year are shown.


In this menu item all titles are presented in alphabetical order, according to the main title.

Default value is the letter A. Below the list of letters you can see the list of titles for the chosen letter, from which you can select one.

Please be aware that mutated vowels and diacritical characters are sorted by the main letter.

The word cloud on the right consists of selected titles in original script as well as included works. After choosing one of the entries all results with this title are shown.


In this menu item all titles are presented in alphabetical order, according to the author/person.

Default value is the letter A. You can change your choice by clicking on one of the other letters in the list. Below the band of letters is the list of persons for the corresponding letter, from which you can select one.

Please be aware, that mutated vowels and diacritical marks are sorted by the main letter.

The word cloud on the right consists of personal names in original script. After choosing one of the entries all titles this person has written or edited are shown.


Free search

In the free search bibliographical data as well as the table of contents of the digitized items are searched.

To submit a search, type one or more search terms in Latin script or Chinese or Japanese characters into the search box and click on the “Search” button.

If you type your search terms in Roman letters and Java-Script is enabled in your browser, autocomplete will be activated and you will be given suggestions from the index. Click on one of them to submit a search directly.

The word cloud on the right consists of titles, persons, places and publishers in original script. By clicking on one of the entries, a search is submitted.

Author/Person search

By clicking on “Author/Person” below the search box, your search is limited to persons. Apart from that, the same rules as in the free search apply.

Title search

By clicking on “Title” below the search box, your search is limited to titles and included works. Apart from that, the same rules as in free search apply.

Call number search

By clicking on “Call number” below the search box, your search is limited to call numbers. In the call number search, no searching operators can be used. The entry is always interpreted as a phrase.

General information on entering search terms

Searching with transcribed Roman letters

No difference is made between big and small letters.

The search engine does not distinguish between diacritical and non-diacritical characters (such as à). Mutated vowels (ä, ö, ü, ß) are recorded as the main vowel, i.e. ä = ae, ö = oe, ü = ue. Furthermore, ß = ss, which means, ß and ss are not differentiated in a search request.

Searching operators

If several search terms are typed into the input field, they will automatically be connected by "AND".

Alternatively, you can use Boolean operators “OR” or “AND NOT” to refine your search results. Using the “OR” function when searching will allow you to find items that contain at least one of the terms for which you have searched. The “AND NOT” function will provide you with items, which contain the first term but not the second.

You can use the phrase search to find certain strings of text. To make this work, the words have to be entered in the desired order and set in double quotes (" "), e.g. "qian fo".

Use wildcards to be aware of different spellings of a term in one search query. A wildcard is a place holder which can be used as a substitute for any character. The asterisk (*) replaces any number of alphanumeric characters, the question mark (?) exactly one. If you search for kacho ga* for example, you also get kacho gashiki, ka-cho gaden and kacho gafu. If you search for Cod.sin.*, you get all call numbers, beginning with Cod.sin.

Result list and "More about the title"

As a result of your search you will get a list of all results with thumbnails. Both the preview image and the title link to the corresponding digital object.

Once you have submitted a search query, you can use facets to restrict your result list in a second step. Click on one of the facets from the areas time, language, title, author/person, place and publisher. A repeated click on the facet deactivates it again.

If you would like to find out more about a title, click on the button “More information about the title” below the author's name. A new window will open, containing all available metadata for the title in transcribed and original script. You can navigate through the result list using the arrow keys.

Viewer display of titles


The DFG-Viewer button allows you to switch to the viewer of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.


For further information about the technology and for demo videos of the viewer please see https://app.digitale-sammlungen.de/bookshelf/help.

The viewer allows you to zoom deeply in and out the images. The viewer provides numerous function and control buttons for optimizing the image view and navigation within a title:

Display of the "IIIF manifest" (see: http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2.1/). The manifest contains all necessary information to display the object in other research environments or viewers based on the IIIF standard APIs. To do this, copy the URL of the manifest file into the Mirador Viewer (menu item: New Object - Add Object via URL) (see: http://projectmirador.org/demo/).
Share link to this page.
PDF-Download (Please note: For leporelli and scrolls, which additionally have an image 0 as the first image of the digitized object, showing the object as a whole: downloading this image is not possible.)
Selecting the viewing mode (image view, book view, scroll view, gallery view).
Metadata display.
Switch to full screen mode.

Comparing works with Mirador

You can use Mirador to display different works side by side in a tiled screen with multiple windows (with the button “Replace Object” in the upper left area). The objects do not have to be from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek's holdings, but can also be loaded from other institutions.

Sidebar with table of contents

For many objects a table of contents is available, which is displayed in a page list left to the images. You can use the entries in the table of contents to navigate directly to individual sections of the object.


Mirador allows you to make annotations and save them locally in your browser (unfortunately saving is not possible in the Internet Explorer). This feature can be reached via the annotations button in the top left corner of the screen.

Choose your favoured shape or draw it free-hand. A window in which you can insert your annotations will open after having completed the shape.

Manipulating Images

Another feature of Mirador is the possibility to apply various filters to the image, e.g. to increase the visibility of certain image elements. They are accessible through the image manipulation icon in the upper left. The filters include: rotation in 90 degree steps, changing brightness, contrast and saturation, inversion of colors (“negative view”) and gray scaling the image.

Link for a selected region

If you want to determine a URL that leads to a specific region of the displayed image, this can be achieved with the image cropping tool. To activate the functionality, click on the corresponding button on the left side of the screen.

To select the image section, the dashed rectangle, which is displayed after clicking on the icon, can be shifted and changed in its dimensions.

As soon as you are satisfied with the section, a click on the small icon above the rectangle will take you to a dialog window in which the link is displayed and can be copied to the clipboard. In addition, further options such as size, rotation and quality can be defined - the final result with the selected settings is dynamically updated in the preview area.

You can use the URL generated in this way, for example, in a CMS or to download the section.

慶元府雪竇明覺大師祖英集 十子全書. [6], 韓非子 西洋火攻神器說 紙底彩繪 紫竹林中觀音出世 翁問答 銅板四書合講 秘書廿八種. 18, Di 18 ce : 風俗通 虞初續志. 3 百美新詠圖傳 絵本水滸傳 六道集 倭玉篇 広恵済急方 讀書齋叢書. 8, 辛集 : Di 13, 14 ben 綠墅堂遺集 伝神開手北齋漫画. 1 太平御覽 神社考詳節 山海經 百人一首一夕話 裝劔奇賞 歷代地理志韻編今釋 芥子園重訂本草綱目. 3, 3 ce : Ben cao gang mu ch. 5-12 全本禮記述解闡備滙 重訂詩經衍義合參體註大全 建殊錄 日光山志 欽定八旗氏族通譜輯要 太醫院校註婦人良方 大方便佛報恩經 山伯訪友 (南音) 長崎聞見錄 新花色冷淡解心 故事談後編画典通考 木一山嚴酧酢集 一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 金瓶梅 (第一奇書). 3 妙術博物筌 庖廚備用倭名本草 周益國文忠公集 御製幸魯盛典 年中往來 人相水鏡集全編 桂苑玉局心懺全品 重刻昭明文選 論語註疏解經 半あわせ 四書全註 二十四孝圖並贊 信驗方. 1 牧令書輯要. 3 新華摘 大雅堂畫法 絵入日用女重宝記 唐宋八大家類選 霞客遊記. 2 康熙字典 論語集解標記 諸子彙函 金瓶梅 (第一奇書). 4 關帝靈籤 本草求真. 10 下學集 すみよし[住吉]物語 御成敗式目抄 嚴島扁額縮本 [漢魏叢書] 闇路の指南車 [教訓繪入] 絵本和歌園 女筆若みと里 齊東野語 阿旬傳兵衛實々記 溈山警策句釋記 金瓶梅 (第一奇書). 5 史通通釋 文武開捐新例 賀壽封相曲本 康熙字典撮要 增訂因果集 芥子園重訂本草綱目. 2, 2 ce : Ben cao gang mu ch. 1-4 家寶金丹 増字百倍早引節用集 廿二史攷異. 1 指月錄 老君八十一化圖說 應試詩賦題箋略 戒殺放生文 日光駅程見聞雑記 別下齋叢書 讀書雜釋. 1 說文解字. 6 阿毗達磨大毗婆沙論 新選萬宿梁蕭全部 佛說大寶積經 一切如來心秘密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 新三姑回門全本 廣博物志 新增註釋周禮串珠 増補江戶咄